My original data lead me to compare the increased amount of students enrolling in art electives with the rise of mental health concerns in adolescents ages 6-17. I looked at comparisons between Baltimore City, Montgomery County, and National data. After hitting a dead end, I started to gather information about art therapy and visualize data on the benefits of making art. I wanted to show how beneficial it is for students to be creative and expressive in some form of art.
The final visualization ended up being an infographic aimed at adolescents. The idea is to promote student wellness through the form of “making art” while simultaneously creating a demand for more students enrolled in art programs. More students and parents that support the arts will cause schools to increase funding and open new courses - which would provide even greater benefits.
I ultimately wanted this to be something that I can use in my classroom to teach my students how important the arts are and encourage them to sign up for more art electives in the future.